
Love writing? Have an article idea/recipe that you feel would be fitting at Killing Thyme Eat-Zine? Let’s chat! Fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. In the meantime…

Meet some of the voices behind the articles at Killing Thyme Eat-Zine:


Justine Celina

Justine Celina,
Recipe Contribution: Blueberry Lemon and Cucumber Gin Mojitos

Mollie Williams Circle
Mollie Williams,
Recipe Contribution: Turnip and Green Apple Salad



dana circle

Dana Sandonato,
Article Contributions: A Guide to Mastering Your Food Blog Voice | The Wellness Soldier: Battling Operational Stress Injuries with Healthy Living | Pescetarianism: My Life Without Bacon and Steak

 Jared Kovacs Circle

Jared Kovacs,
Article Contributions: So You Want to Start Homebrewing, Eh? | Where to Start: Home Brewed Cider 

Susan Knowles

Susan Knowles, @SeeSusanTweet
Article Contributions: Happiness, Hotness, and Health-Trolling

Natasha Circle

Natash O’Brien,
Article Contribution: Celiac is a Fact: My Life, the Shit Show

Lindsey Circle

Lindsey Rae
Article Contribution: Single Chef: The Art of Buying and Cooking for One

Amanda Saxby Circle

Amanda Saxby,
Article Contribution: Going Natural: One Baker’s Journey to Creating from the Earth