Policy Disclosure

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My objective with Killing Thyme (besides eating delicious food and making bad jokes) is to build a solid foundation of trust with my readership by being consistently open and honest with my recipes, reviews, sponsored posts, and articles. I’d really like for readers to get to know my ‘blog voice’ and be confident that what I write is genuine. There is no dollar amount that could sway me into being dishonest–no forkin’ way.

Killing Thyme abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in honesty of relationship, opinion, and identity. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. By law, that content, advertising space, or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content.


Sponsored posts are blog posts that I am paid to publish on Killing Thyme. Sponsored posts will always be marked as such in the title so that readers know a post has been sponsored by the specified brand. Sponsored posts typically entail writing and creating a recipe based around the specified product, testing the recipe until it is satisfactory, styling it, photographing it, editing it, and writing about it.

All sponsored posts are sent to the representative I am working with for final review before the post goes live to ensure that it meets the brand’s expectations.

The credibility of the product featured in a sponsored post should not be questioned as I will not accept payment nor proceed with a post if the product is poor.

Please view the Work With Me tab for information on how to get your brand and product featured on Killing Thyme.


Product and restaurant reviews are not a paid service. Product or restaurant reviews that are requested of me by a brand or restaurant are simply done in exchange for the product or meal at the specified restaurant at no cost of my own. (Don’t worry, I pay for my own beer; I’m a cheap date).

Sometimes I choose to do a review on my own accord because I really enjoy a certain product or restaurant. These reviews in particular are not done in exchange for complimentary products or meals because I initiated the review myself.

Please see the Work With Me tab  for information on how to get a review for your product or restaurant at Killing Thyme.


All of the food photographs representing my recipes at Killing Thyme belong to me. I have taken the time to style, snap, and edit these photos. Please do not use my photos unless you credit me and source back to killingthyme.net and the original post.

Feel free to contact me with any questions.